Hah, the sucker-punch heard 'round the world! If you thought boxing wasn't already in the toilet, imagine a stuffed toilet overflowing onto the floor. Or worse, a stuffed pay-toilet overflowing into your living room! Hopefully, like me, you've stopped paying for any Floyd Mayweather fight that isn't verses Pacquiao.
(Yeah-yeah, Manny won't take the drug test...baloney! Manny Pacquiao agreed to three separate drug tests, one before the fight, one after the fight, and one anytime Mayweather's people wanted Manny to take one, so then Floyd decided he wanted Manny to take five drug tests. Huh? Mayweather's not serious, and Manny's people are smart enough to know he's only playing games. Let us know when you're serious Floyd.)
But this fight makes a gas station urinal look like a drinking fountain.
- First, Ortiz attempts to intentionally head butt Mayweather twice before he finally lands the third head-butt right on Floyd's kisser.
- Joe Cortez, the referee, fails to spot the infractions and take a point away from Ortiz for the two deliberate-head-butts prior to the final infraction. (There's no warning for an intentional head-butt, rather an immediate point deduction.)
- Then, while Ortiz is apologizing to Mayweather, Mayweather sucker-punches Ortiz in a cowardly and unprofessional manner -- as he first pretends to hug Ortiz.