Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The Mighty Moe is making a comeback ...

Things got really busy at the Mighty-Moe household, but I have returned. I wanted to post my pre-fight thoughts on the Hopkins vs. Taylor fight, but was unable because I simply ran out of time. After the horrendous decision, I just didn't feel like it! Whadda load of crap! Now we have a newly crowned undisputed middleweight champion what was slapped around the ring, nearly knocked off his feet on two occasions ... and won't grant the former champ a rematch right away because he's waiting for Hopkins to age some more? Oh, say it isn't so!

Is this what we can expect from a Jermain Taylor reign? Is he going to wait for Eastman, Ouma, Wright, Sturm, Echols and Ikeke to get old too?

--The Mighty Moe

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